Institute of Organic Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine is one of the leading research institutions in the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Its foundation is connected with the scientific schools of outstanding Ukrainian chemists, such as Corresponding Member of the AS of the USSR S.M.Reformatskii in Kyiv University and Academician of the AS of the Ukr.SSR V.G.Shaposhnikov in Kyiv Polytechnical Institute. The Institute of Organic Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine has passed through hard times of the World War II, post-war years of tireless work for reconstruction and creative formation of the last decades.
The scientists of the Institute made an important contribution to the world science. Investigations of our scientists in the field of color of organic compounds theory, mechanisms of organic reactions, chemistry of heterocyclic compounds, chemistry of phosphorus-, fluorine-, and sulfur-organic compounds, chemistry of biologically active compounds, supramolecular chemistry have deserved public recognition all over the world.
As for today, 311 employees work in the Institute and its Pilot Plant, there are 23 Doctors of Science, 90 Candidates of Science, 102 engineers and specialists, 45 technicians among them. The scientists of the Institute have published more than 7 000 original scientific papers, 72 monographs, received more than 1 500 Patents and Author’s Certificates, prepared 59 Doctors of Science and 391 Candidates of Science.
A large quantity of the elaborations of the Institute have been introduced to medicine, veterinary, national economy. The State highly appreciated the achievements of the Institute’s scientists and awarded them with decorations and premiums. The staff is proud of the Institute’s history and its creators who founded and built the Institute, defended the Country during the war years, prepared scientific brainpower, strengthened economy of the State, enriched the world science.
We are committed to:
- Provide products and services to meet the client’s expectations and quality standards.
- Communicate with clients through comprehensive project proposals with clear objectives, execution strategies, and optimal use of resources regarding lead times, staffing and expenses.
- Meet client’s guidelines for project management.
- Provide senior staff to review projects and reports.
- Protect intellectual property through confidentiality agreements.
- Seek regular feedback from clients for rapid responsiveness.