The Department was founded in 1973 by Academician of the NAS of Ukraine Leonid Markovskii. Since 1998 the Academician of NAS of Ukraine Vitaly Kalchenko is the Head of the Department. Starting from September 2024, the department is headed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, senior researcher Serhii Cherenok. The department employs 3 doctors of science, 4 candidates of science, 1 doctor of philosophy, 3 engineers and 3 technicians. The department includes the Laboratory of Medical and Biological Research, which is managed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, senior researcher Roman Rodik.
The main scientific direction. The Department's priority area of research is the supramolecular chemistry of phosphorus-, sulfur- and nitrogen-containing macrocyclic compounds. Research is aimed at molecular design, synthesis and study of supramolecular interactions of crown ethers, calixarenes, thiacalixarenes and resorcinarenes. The goal of the research is to create highly selective receptors for molecules and ions, similar in properties to natural enzymes, and to find ways of their practical application.
Main scientific and practical achievements of the department
The Department synthesizes original types of three-dimensional macrocyclic compounds optimally preorganized for the formation of supramolecular complexes with metal cations, anions, and neutral organic molecules and biomolecules, including ecologically dangerous and biologically significant ones.
As a result of research, calixarene phosphonic acids were obtained, which inhibit alkaline phosphatases with record efficiency and (stereo)selectivity, affect calcium transport in smooth muscles, inhibit fibrin polymerization, which opens the way to the creation of new drugs (in collaboration with the Academician Palladin Biochemistry Institute of NAS of Ukrain and Academician Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of NAS of Ukraine ).
Chemosensors capable of analyzing volatile organic substances in the air and determining and enantiodiscriminating D,L stereoisomeric forms of amino acids in aqueous solutions have been created (in collaboration with the V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics оf NASU and the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of NASU).
New phosphorus containing calixarenes have been developed, which in terms of efficiency and selectivity of extraction and sorption of actinides, lanthanides, platinum group metals, technetium (the main components of spent nuclear fuel) are two to three orders of magnitude higher than known industrial complexing agents - trialkylphosphine oxides, carbamoylphosphine oxides, 2-diethylhexylphosphoric acid (in collaboration with the Institute for Single Crystals of the NAS of Ukraine, the University of Strasbourg, the University of California, Berkeley).
Catalysts for stereoselective chemical reactions were developed on the basis of chiral phosphorus-containing calixarenes (in collaboration with Kyiv T.G.Shevchenko National University and the Laboratory of Coordination Compounds of Toulouse University).
Employees of the department
- Head of the Department Doctor of Science, senior researcher Cherenok S.
- Doctor of Science, Prof., Academician of NAS of Ukraine Kalchenko V.
- head of the Laboratory of Medical and Biological Research, Doctor of Science, senior researcher Roman R.
- PhD, senior researcher Lyudmila Atamas L.
- PhD, senior researcher Drapailo A.
- PhD, senior researcher Yesipenko O.
- PhD, research associate Vishnevskyi S.
- PhD, leading engineer Boyko Yu.
- engineer of the 1-st category Dovgopyatа L.
- engineer of the 1-st category Bondarchuk L.
- engineer Selikhova A.
- technician of the 1-st category Lisova H.
- technician of the 1-st category Sviatnenko H.
- technician Forys I.
Innovative developments
- Selective modulators of ATP-hydrolase systems of smooth muscle cells
- Selective inhibitors of therapeutically important enzymes
- Amphiphilic cationic calixarenes as bactericides and promoters of gene expression
- Amphiphilic anionic calixarenes for delivery of therapeutically important proteins into biological cells
- (Thia)calixarenephosphonic acids with high antiviral activity for the treatment of HIV
- Calixarene methylene-bisphosphonic acids as effective antithrombotics
- Calixarene phosphine oxides as complexing agents of actinides and lanthanides
- Calixarene sulfides and thiols for binding precious metals and modifying the surface of gold
- Enantiomerically and diastereomerically pure calixarenes for chiral technologies
- Fluorescent calixarenes for chemo&biosensors
Scientific programs and projects
- INTAS «Stereochemical Non-Rigidity and Photochromism of Four and Five Coordinate Metal Complexes»
- INTAS «Allosteric Ionophores»
- INTAS-UKRAINA «Detection of the Organic Solvents Vapors Using Composite Thin Films Based on Calixarenes and Conductive Polymers»
- INCO-COPERNICUS «Development of Technologies on Efficient Decontamination of Radioactive Wastes Based on New Organophosphorus Ionophores»
- STCU «Development and demonstration of high-level waste partitioning technology with the use of phosphorylated calixarenes»
- STCU «Chiral calixarenes for design of hybrid organic-inorganic metallocomplexing catalysts of asymmetrical reactions»
- STCU «Development of chemosensor materials and equipment for detection of toxic substances and pollutants in the environment»
- STCU «Phosphorylated calixarenes for selective extraction of actinides from radioactive wastes»
- STCU-NASU «Composite calixaren-based sorbents for determination of trace radionuclides in environment»
- CRDF «Design, synthesis and properties of calixarene based metal-organic materials, calix-MOMs»
- NASU-CNRS «Task-specific ionic liquids for decontamination of radioactive wastes»
- NASU-CNRS PICS «Amphiphilic calixarenes for delivery of nucleic acids and peptides»
- NASU-CNRS GDRI «Supramolecular systems in chemistry and biology»
- NAS of Ukraine «Smart» sensor devices of the new generation based on modern materials and technologies»
- NAS of Ukraine «Promising fundamental researches and innovative developments of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for the needs of industry, healthcare and agriculture»
- Joint Ukrainian-Latvian research project «Molecular design, physicochemical properties and biological activity of amphiphilic calixarene and dihydropyridine systems for DNA transport»
- NAS of Ukraine «Latest polymer sorption materials for radioecological monitoring» NAS of Ukraine «Scientific support for the development of the nuclear energy complex and promising nuclear technologies» National Research Fund of Ukraine «Design, synthesis and activity of calixarene derivatives as inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatases and other enzymes»
N.A.Vodolazkaya, N.O.Mchedlov-Petrossyan, L.N.Bogdanova, R.V.Rodik, V.I. Kalchenko The Influence of Aggregates of Calixarenes and Dendrimers on the Protolytic Equilibria of Dyes in Aqueous Solution In book «From molecules to functional architecture. Supramolecular interactions» / Edited by V.I. Rybachenko. – Donetsk: East Publisher House, 2012. – 538 p. – P. 49-70
S.V.Komisarenko, S.O.Kosterin, E.V.Lugovskoy, V.I.Kalchenko Calixarene methylene bisphosphonic acids as promising effectors of biochemical processes In book: Biochemistry and biotechnology for modern medicine / KYIV: Publishing House Moskalenko O.M., 2013. – 704 p. – P. 293-327
S.V.Komisarenko, S.O. Kosterin, E.V.Lugovskoy, S.O. Cherenok, V.Yu. Tanchuk, A.I Vovk, V.I.Kalchenko Сalixarene methylene bisphosphonic acids as effectors of biochemical processes In book: LIGANDS: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND ROLE IN BIOTECHNOLOGY. – New-York: NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC., 2014. – 295 p. – Chapter 3. – P. 67-116
R.D.Labyntseva, V.I.Yavorovska, O.V.Bevza, V.I,Kalchenko, S.O.Kosterin Calix[4]arenes as the Effectors of Smooth Muscle Myosin ATPase In book «Myosin. Biosynthesis, Classes and Function» David Broadbent (ed.) // New York: Nova science publishers, Inc. – 2018. – P. 89-135
Kalchenko Olga, Lipkowski Janusz, Kаlchenko Vitaly Chromatography in supramolecular and analytical chemistry of calixarenes Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry II / Atwood J. L. (ed.) – Oxford: Elsevier. – 2017. – Vol. 2. – P. 239–261
Chapters in monographs
Chapters in monographs
N.A.Vodolazkaya, N.O.Mchedlov-Petrossyan, L.N.Bogdanova, R.V.Rodik, V.I. Kalchenko The Influence of Aggregates of Calixarenes and Dendrimers on the Protolytic Equilibria of Dyes in Aqueous Solution In book «From molecules to functional architecture. Supramolecular interactions» / Edited by V.I. Rybachenko. – Donetsk: East Publisher House, 2013. – 538 p. – P. 49-70
S.V.Komisarenko, S.O.Kosterin, E.V.Lugovskoy, V.I.Kalchenko Calixarene methylene bisphosphonic acids as promising effectors of biochemical processes In book: Biochemistry and biotechnology for modern medicine. – KYIV: Publishing House Moskalenko O.M., 2013. – 704 p. – P. 293-327
S.V.Komisarenko, S.O. Kosterin, E.V.Lugovskoy, S.O. Cherenok, V.Yu. Tanchuk, A.I Vovk, V.I.Kalchenko Сalixarene methylene bisphosphonic acids as effectors of biochemical processes In book: LIGANDS: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND ROLE IN BIOTECHNOLOGY. – New-York: NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC., 2014. – 295 p. – Chapter 3. – P. 67-116
R.D.Labyntseva, V.I.Yavorovska, O.V.Bevza, V.I,Kalchenko, S.O.Kosterin Calix[4]arenes as the Effectors of Smooth Muscle Myosin ATPase In book «Myosin. Biosynthesis, Classes and Function» / David Broadbent (ed.) // New York: Nova science publishers, Inc. – 2018. – P. 89-135
Kalchenko Olga, Lipkowski Janusz, Kаlchenko Vitaly Chromatography in supramolecular and analytical chemistry of calixarenes Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry II / Atwood J. L. (ed.) – Oxford: Elsevier. – 2017. – Vol. 2. – P. 239–261
Cherenok S., Dutasta J.-P., Kalchenko V. Phosphorus-containing chiral macrocycles Current Organic Chemistry. – 2006. – Vol. 10. – P.2307-2331
Kalchenko V. Calixarene receptors of environmentally hazardous and bio-relevant molecules and ions IUPAC. – 2008. – Vol. 80. – P. 1449-1458
Rodik R.V., Boyko V.I., Kalchenko V. I. Calixarenes in bio-medical researches Current Medicinal Сhemistry. – 2009. – Vol. 16, No. 13. – P. 1630-1655
Cherenok S., Kalchenko V. Phosphorus-containing calixarenes Topics Heterocyclic Chemistry. – 2009. – Vol. 20. – P. 229-273
Rodik R.V., Klymchenko A.S., Mely Y., Kalchenko V.I. Calixarenes and related macrocycles as gene delivery vehicles J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem. - 2014. – V. 80, Issue 3. – P. 189-200
Rodik R., Poberezhnyk M., Kalchenko V. Calixarene Derivatives for (Nano)Biotechnologies Macroheterocycles. – 2017. – Т. 10, № 4-5. – С. 421-431
Kalchenko V.I. Functional calixarene nanostructures Theoretical and experimental chemistry. – 2018. – Vol. 54, No. 2. – P. 69-76
Rodik R., Cherenok S., Kalchenko O., Yesypenko O., Lipkowski J., Kalchenko V. Functional Сalixarenes for Material and Life Science Current Organic Chemistry. – 2018. – Vol. 22. – P. 2196-2218
Kobzar O.L., Cherenok S.O., Kosterin S.O., Kalchenko V.I., Vovk A.I. Biologically active calixarene phosphonic acids Ukr. Bioorg. Acta. – 2022. – Vol. 17, Nо. 2. – P.3-13.
Articles for 2018-2024
Articles for 2018-2024
Andrii Karpus, Alexandr Yesipenko, Boiko Vyacheslav, Daran Jean-Claude, Zoia Voitenko. Vitaly Kalchenko, Manoury E. Synthesis of a new enantiomerically pure inherently chiral calix[4]arene phosphonic acid and its first evaluation as organocatalyst Journal of Organic Chemistry. – 2018. – Vol. 83, No. 3. – P. 1146-1153
O.O.Soldatkin, S.V.Marchenko, O.V.Soldatkina, S.O.Cherenok, O.I.Kalchenko, O.S.Prynova Conductometric sensor with calixarene based chemosensitive element for the arginine detection Chemical Papers. – 2018. – Vol. 72, Issue 11. – P. 2687-2697
Ternova Dariia, Ouadi Ali, Mazan Valérie, Georg Sylvia, Boltoeva Maria, Kalchenko Vitaly, Miroshnichenko Stanislas, Billard Isabelle, Gaillard Clotilde New ionic liquid based on the CMPO pattern for the sequential extraction of U(VI), Am(III) and Eu(III) Journal of Solution Chemistry. – 2018. – Published online 16 March 2018
Labyntsevа Raisa, Yavorovska Viktoriia, Bevza Olexander, Drapailo Andriy, Kalchenko Vitaly, Kosterin Sergiy Thiacalix[4]arenes remove the inhibitory effects of Zn cations on the myosin ATPase activity Nanoscale Research Letters. – 2018. – Vol. 13 (1):224
Labyntseva Raisa, Yavorovska Viktoriia, Bevza Alexander, Drapailo Andriy, Kalchenko Vitaly, Kosterin Sergiy Thiacalix[4]arene-tetraphosphonate Eliminates Inhibitory Effects of Heavy Metals on Smooth Muscle Myosin S1 ATPase Activity World J. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. – 2018. – Vol. 3, No. 2. P. 46-54
Buldenko V.M., Trush V.V., Kobzar O.L., Drapailo A.B., Kalchenko V.I., Vovk A.I Calixarene-based phosphinic acids as inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatases Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. – 2019. – Vol. 29, Issue 6. – P. 797-801
Karpus A., Yesypenko O., Cherenok S., Boiko V., Kalchenko O., Voitenko Z., Tribrat O., Poli R., Daran J.-C., Manoury E., Kalchenko V. Chiral phosphorus-containing calixarenes Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon. – 2019. – V.194, issue 4-6. – P. 471-475
Danylovych H.V., Danylovych Yu.V., Rodik R.V., Gurska V.T., Kalchenko V.I., Kosterin S.O Calix[4]arenes Modulate Ca2+-Dependent Processes in Smooth Muscle Cells Mitochondria Chemistry Research Journal. – 2019. – Vol. 4, issue 6. – P. 109-122
Z.I. Kazantseva, I.A. Koshets, O.M. Zaharenko, S.G. Kharchenko, V.I. Kalchenko Sensory features of thiacalix[4]arene molecules towards volatile halogen-aromatic compounds SPQEO. – 2020. – V. 23, No 1. – P. 41-45
Functional calixarenes For practical application
Functional calixarenes For practical application